We are four women actively  engaged in our communities.  We started the first SEAYLUR in 2021, because we saw a need in light of the pandemic and the movement for  Black lives. The pandemic contributed to increased isolation and mental health issues, particularly in youth. Along with the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement, we also saw a sharp rise in anti-Asian hate over the last few years.

As a result, we as SE  Asian women felt a strong need to start these important dialogues to support SE Asian youth.  We received a grant from OCF for the first SEAYLUR that we held in September 2021. There were 51 youth who joined us for a three-day retreat that addressed the issues above. Through an evaluation, we received positive feedback from the youth who were grateful for the experience  and expressed interest for future retreats and engagements.

SEAYLUR was held for a second year in September of 2022 with funding from EPAP, OCF, and APANO, where we held a two-day in person retreat with 62 youth in attendance.